Monday, January 10, 2011

Pearls of Wisdom

I'm working on a whole strand but here are the first few:

*KITCHDRY - Synonym: Launkitch. Laundry room turned temporary kitchen. Space is very limited and must include washer and dryer. Does not include range, dishwasher or frig. Refrigerator, micro and toaster oven must be located in the garage. Must choreograph the dance to the music of meal prep, laundry, and dishwashing in order not to step on each other's toes. (Great rehearsal for future motor home living....NOT!) Cannot operate microwave or toaster oven in combination or with any other small appliance (electic kettle, coffee maker etc) without blowing a fuse.

*If you don't enjoy having to wear ski gear to cook...remodel in the summer. See Kitchendry.

*Pasta does not cook well in a microwave or toaster oven. 2 months without pasta is 2 months too long especially when you are part Italian.

*If you work from home buy a good laptop with the necessary software and a handsfree earpiece for your smart phone. This will enable you to conduct business from your car, favorite coffee spot, or nearest library when the power is off or the noise becomes overwhelming. If all else fails you will need good "reasons" to leave the premises and escape.

*Sawdust has the uncanny ability to move through closed doors, under sealed tarps and stick like glue. It takes trice as long to clean and then reappears within minutes. You will need to blow out the central vac system, wash the hose and replace the hose sock or forever see sawdust trails.

*Good subcontractors are worth their weight in gold. Take good care of them. Treats and coffee go a long way.

*Under no circumstances allow the water heater to be relit with a blow torch unless you're fond of cold showers or that drizzly shower head in the gym locker room.

*When glitches and O.S. happens act like a river and go with the flow. If you get dam(n)ed up take a deep breath. If your lungs fill with sawdust retreat to a different room, assume the lotus position and begin meditation. When the saws and nail gun permeate your subconcious unfold and go eat some chocolate. If that fails, proceed with haste to the wine cellar, uncork a nice cabernet, and pour generously. After a few good sips you WILL feel better.

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