Monday, October 4, 2010

There's a perception that all designers' homes are something out of Architectural Digest. Wrong! A few are but most aren't. When we do get an opportunity to design and build/remodel our own homes we are excited, estatic, nervous and, as I've discovered, our own worst clients! Really!

I've been in the business professionally for 20 years. I've designed numerous homes, offices, salons, and a church. I've won design awards. I've worked with individuals, couples, CEO's, and a few Board of Directors. I can honestly say none of them has caused me more stress, dilema or indecision over a project than the evil trio of me, myself, when I decided to remodel my own home.

Come along and share the remodeling journey, up close and personal, from a designer's own perspective.


  1. Much better angles of the kitchen, thanks! Knowing what's coming makes me shudder!
